Click for Membership Application
“While the average member gets more than double their dues investment in return, the greater cause is unity and support of our industry and the right to earn a living.”
Let’s look at the big picture–there is strength in numbers! Your cost of doing business would be higher if the association wasn’t working on your behalf. Your membership support now will ensure we continue to represent all facets of our industry.
It doesn’t make sense to depend on someone else to protect your business interests. You really can’t afford to delay in being informed of the fast changes that impact our industry.
Your membership is an investment in your industry and all but $20 of your dues are tax deductible.
Triple Membership
Your Lehigh Valley Builders Association (LVBA) membership gives you triple services and resources through automatic membership in the Pennsylvania Builders Association (PBA) and the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB).
Business Prospects
The more you get involved, the more opportunities you have to meet and share with other members in the building industry.
Group Insurance Program
Membership offers some of the best rates for Workers’ Comp the state, plus group plans for full coverage health, dental, optical, and paid prescription plans.
Spring Home Show at Stabler
A spot in this high demand Annual Home Show can boost your customer exposure significantly. Our members come first. Membership provides priority in booth availability
Legislative Clout
We can speak with authority on the issues that affect the building industry.
Free Legal Research
For answers to legal questions about the building industry, access NAHB’s legal department.Advertising Promote your business at bargain rates in association publications with circulation of 1,300 plus! Special group discounts in local newspapers and other publications.
Social Events
For fun and fellowship: Holiday Awards Banquet, Golf Outings, and various events throughout the year.
Web Site
Our website lists your specialty, plus your company can be hot linked for added exposure.
Association Advertising
We promote our own members in a variety of media, and receive an average of 20 lead calls a month requesting referrals or directories.
Email News
LVBA emails are sent to you so that you are informed on association news, issues, and events.
Leadership Opportunities
Board of Directors and Committee Chairs serve by yearly rotation. Here’s your chance to make a difference.
Committee Involvement & Leadership Opportunities
Nearly a dozen active committees involved in every aspect of the industry. Your input makes the association work with and for you.
Promotional Items
We provide camera-ready artwork for you to show your professional association membership.
PA One Call Invoice
Send invoices to the office for verification of membership and the $100 fee will be waived.
Educational Seminars
Series of seminars are offered at non-peak building times for our builders and remodelers.
Membership Application*
Please complete the application and mail it with your payment of $595 to:
Lehigh Valley Builders Association
1524 Linden Street Allentown, PA 18102
(Payment will be held until after final approval.)
Builder Membership
Builder Membership is open to any person, firm or corporation where primary business includes two-thirds of business revenue from the construction or structural modification of housing or light commercial properties, or land development who shall have conducted business primarily in the territorial jurisdiction of the Association for a period of not less than two (2) years.
Associate Membership
Associate Membership is open to any person, firm or corporation engaged in a trade or industry other than that of builder whose business practice is not inconsistent with the objectives of this association.(Any business directly related to the home building industry providing products or services to builders, developers, or remodelers.)
Supporting Membership
Supporting Membership is open to any company or person whose business objectives are determined not to be in conflict with the objectives of this association and who are found acceptable for recommendation by the membership committee. Supporting members are non-voting members. (Any business NOT directly related to the home building industry.)